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17 EactiveEutelsat Konnect (BB4A)450272020-005BSpacebus NEOEutelsat Communications S.A.Guiana Space Center361916-Jan-2020FootprintsCharts92 Ka-band Spot beams to provide high-speed Internet services for markets in Africa and Western Europe offering total capacity of 75 Gbps
210 EactiveEchostar 21 (EchoStar T2, TerreStar 2)427492017-032ALS-1300SEchoStar CorporationBaikonur Cosmodrome69006-Jun-2017FootprintsChartsS-band transponders to provide 2 GHz mobile voice and data communications services in Europe
331 EretiredEutelsat 31A (E31A, Eutelsat 33A, E33A, Eurobird 3, eBird 1)279482003-043AHS-376HPEutelsat Communications S.A.Guiana Space Center152527-Sep-2003  20 Ku-band transponders
433 EretiredEutelsat 33B (E33B, Eutelsat 25C, E25C, Eutelsat 70A, E70A, W5, Eutelsat W5, Eutelsat-W1)275542002-051ASpacebus-3000B2Eutelsat Communications S.A.Cape Canaveral SFS317020-Nov-2002  24 Ku-band transponders providing connectivity from western Europe through Middle East and Central and South Asia.
533 EactiveEutelsat 33F (E33F, Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B, HB13B, HB8, Hotbird 8, Hot Bird 8)292702006-032AEurostar-3000Eutelsat Communications S.A.Baikonur Cosmodrome48754-Aug-2006FootprintsCharts64 Ku-band transponders to provide radio and television coverage through 950 digital channels to Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.
644 EactiveThuraya 2278252003-026ABSS-702Thuraya Telecommunications Co.Sea Launch (Odyssey platform)525010-Jun-2003FootprintsCharts128 active L-band elements, 17-w SSPAs C-band 2 active + 2 spare to provide a GSM-compatible mobile telephone services to multiple regions
748 EactiveGSAT 19 (GSAT-19E)427472017-031AI-6K (modular) BusIndian National Satellite (INSAT)Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikotta (SHAR)31365-Jun-2017FootprintsChartsKa and Ku band payload along with a Geostationary Radiation Spectrometer (GRASP) payload to monitor and study the nature of the charged particles and influence of space radiation on spacecraft and electronic components
853 EactiveExpress AM6 (Ekspress AM6, EAM6, Eutelsat 53A, E53A)402772014-064AExpress-2000Russian Satellite Communications CompanyBaikonur Cosmodrome340021-Oct-2014FootprintsCharts30 C-band, 40 Ku-band, 12 Ka-band, 2 L-band transponders. The satellite experienced technical issue in March 2020 and therefore Ka-band capacity was switched off as of March 25th 2020.
955 EretiredInsat 3E279512003-043EInsat-2/-3 BusIndian National Satellite (INSAT)Guiana Space Center277527-Sep-2003  24 C-band transponders to provide communications services for India.
1059 EretiredEutelsat 59A (E59A, Eutelsat 36 West A, E36WA, Eutelsat 12 West A, E12WA, Atlantic Bird 1, AB1)275082002-040AGeoBus (Italsat-Bus)Eutelsat Communications S.A.Guiana Space Center270028-Aug-2002  24 Ku-band transponders to provide coverage of Europe and the east coast of the United States. Twenty channels, telecommunications services between Europe and the Americas.
1164 EactiveIntelsat 906 (IS-906)275132002-041ALS-1300IntelsatGuiana Space Center47236-Sep-2002FootprintsCharts44 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks.
1270 EretiredEutelsat 70D (E70D, E33D, Eutelsat 8 West C, E8WC, Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A, HB13A, HB6, HotBird 6, Hot bird 6)274992002-038ASpacebus-3000B3Eutelsat Communications S.A.Cape Canaveral SFS380028-Aug-2002  28 Ku-band, 4 Ka-band transponders providing cable programming and direct-to-home broadcasting.
1384 EdeorbitedJCSat 8 (JCSat 2A)273992002-015AHS-601SKY Perfect JSAT CorporationGuiana Space Center260029-Mar-2002  16 C-band and 16 Ku-band transponder with coverage over Japan
1493 EretiredInsat 3C272982002-002AInsat-2/-3 BusIndian National Satellite (INSAT)Guiana Space Center265023-Jan-2002  24 normal C-band transponders, 6 XC transponders, two S-band broadcast satellite (BSS) transponders and one mobile satellite service (MSS) transponder providing voice, video and digital data services to India and neighboring countries.
1593 EretiredInsat 3A277142003-013AInsat-2/-3 BusIndian National Satellite (INSAT)Guiana Space Center29509-Apr-2003  12 C-band, 6 extended C-band, 6 Ku-band for voice, video and data transmission to West Asia, East Asia, India; augment present INSAT capacity for communication and meteorological services.
1695 EactiveLuch 5V (Loutch-5V, Луч-5В)397272014-023AExpress-1000ARoscosmos (Russian Federal Space Agency)Baikonur Cosmodrome114828-Apr-2014FootprintsCharts 
17101 EretiredChinaSat 9A (Zhongxing 9A, ZX 9A, Sinosat 4, Xinnuo 4)427632017-035ADFH-4 BusChina Satellite Communications Co. Ltd.(China Satcom)Xichang Satellite Launch Center510018-Jun-2017  18x36MHz and 4x54MHz BSS Ku band transponders to provide direct broadcast services for radio and TV transmission, digital film and digital broadband multi-media system as well as information and entertainment broadcasting market. Zhongxing-9A communications satellite (Chinasat-9A / 中星9A) was launched by a Long March-3B rocket on 18 June 2017, but abnormal performance during the third phase failed to deliver the satellite as planned. After conducting 10 orbital adjustments with its onboard thrusters, Zhongxing-9A has reached its preset orbit.
18110 EdeorbitedBsat 2C (B-Sat 2C)278302003-028AGEOStar-1Broadcasting Satellite System Corp.Guiana Space Center127511-Jun-2003  4 Ku band transponders. Backup to BSAT-2A; direct digital broadcasts to homes in Japan and neighboring countries through its Ku-band transponders.
19128 EactiveJCSat 3A (JCSat 10)292722006-033AA2100AXSSKY Perfect JSAT CorporationGuiana Space Center405011-Aug-2006FootprintsCharts30 Ku-band high-power transponders and 12 C-band medium-power transponders to provide direct-to-home radio and television services to Japan, Asia-Pacific, and Hawaii
20132 EactiveVinasat 1327672008-018AA2100AVietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT)Guiana Space Center263718-Apr-2008FootprintsCharts12 Ku-band, and 8 C-band transponders to provide voice, video, and Internet services to Vietnam, eastern Asia, India, Australia, Japan, and Hawaii
21136 EretiredN-Star-C274612002-035BGEOStar-2SKY Perfect JSAT CorporationGuiana Space Center16205-Jul-2002  1 C-band transponder, 20 S-band transponders
22144 EactiveSuperbird C2 (Superbird 7)332742008-038ADS2000SKY Perfect JSAT CorporationGuiana Space Center482014-Aug-2008FootprintsCharts28 Ku-band transponders to cover the Asia-Pacific region, the Indian Ocean, Oceania, and the Pacific Islands.
23145 EdeorbitedExpress A4 (Express A1R, Ekspress A1R, Express 41R, Express 41P, Atlantic Bird 14)274412002-029AMSS-2500-GSORussian Satellite Communications CompanyBaikonur Cosmodrome250010-Jun-2002  12 C-Band and 5 Ku-band transponders to provide TV and radio broadcasting, communications, Internet, video-conference and other services to Russia and neighboring countries.
24148 EmovingPaksat-MM (PakSat Multi-Mission Satelite 1, Asiasat 4)277182003-014AHS-601HPPakistan Ministry of Information Technology and TelecommunicationsCape Canaveral SFS413712-Apr-2003  28 active transponders with six spares in C-band, powered by 55 watt traveling-wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs), and 20 active transponders with four spares in Ku-band, powered by 140 watt TWTAs to provide broadcast, telecommunications and broadband multimedia services to four continents, and direct-to-home broadcast services to Pakistan
25156 EactiveOptus C1 (Defence C1)278312003-028BLS-1300Optus Communications/Australian Ministry of DefenceGuiana Space Center472512-Jun-2003FootprintsCharts24 Ku-band transponders covering Australia, New Zealand and East Asia. 4 X-band, 4 Ka-band transponders and 6 UHF band channels providing services for the Australian Department of Defence
26162 EactiveSuperbird B3 (Superbird 8, DSN-1, Kirameki 1)432712018-033ADS2000SKY Perfect JSAT CorporationGuiana Space Center53485-Apr-2018FootprintsChartsKu-band and Ka-band Japan beam and Ku-band steerable beam. Replacement to Superbird B2 satellite. Also aboard is the DSN 1 X-band communications payload built and operated by DSN Corporation for the Japanese Ministry of Defense
27164 EretiredOptus B3 (Aussat B3)232271994-055AHS-601Optus CommunicationsXichang Satellite Launch Center285828-Aug-1994  15 Ku-band transponders covering Australia and New Zealand. Provides telephone, TV, mobile communications, air traffic control. Also has 1 L-band tranponder, Ka-band beacon and laser retroreflector.
28172 EactiveEutelsat 172B427412017-029BEurostar-3000EOREutelsat Communications S.A.Guiana Space Center35511-Jun-2017FootprintsChartsAll-Electric Satellite with 14 C-band transponders, 36 Ku-band transponders and high throughput Ku-band payload to provide continuity and expansion capacity at this orbital position
29169 WretiredNSS 6276032002-057AA2100AXSES S.A.Guiana Space Center457517-Dec-2002  50 Ku-band transponders and 12 Ka-band super high gain uplink beams
30150 WactiveHorizons 1 (Galaxy 13, Linkstar 4, Galaxy XIII)279542003-044ABSS-601HPSKY Perfect JSAT Corporation/IntelsatSea Launch (Odyssey platform)40601-Oct-2003FootprintsCharts24 C-band and 24 Ku-band transponders covering CONUS
31143 WretiredHispasat 143W-1 (H143W-1, Hispasat 30W-4, H30W-4, Hispasat 1D)275282002-044ASpacebus-3000B2HispasatCape Canaveral SFS328818-Sep-2002  28 transponders in Ku-band and several S+X-band. Fourth of Spain's communications satellites with government, commercial and military application.
32129 WretiredGalaxy 12 (Galaxy XII, G-12)277152003-013BGEOStar-2IntelsatGuiana Space Center17609-Apr-2003  24 C-band transponders. Spare Satellite for NA region.
33129 WactiveSES 15427092017-026ABSS-702SPSES S.A.Guiana Space Center234018-May-2017FootprintsChartsKa-band and Ku-band transponders + WAAS payload to serve SES leading aeronautical customers as well as other traffic intensive data applications such as government, VSAT networks and maritime in North America, Latin America, Caribbean and Pacific Ocean Region
34129 WactiveGalaxy 34 (Galaxy 12R)540272022-128BGEOStar-3IntelsatCape Canaveral SFS36958-Oct-2022FootprintsChartsC-band services, mainly television broadcasting
35125 WactiveAMC 21332752008-038BGEOStar-2SES S.A.Guiana Space Center247314-Aug-2008FootprintsCharts24 Ku-band transponders to beam television broadcasts across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
36121 WactiveGalaxy 23 (G-23, IA-13, Telstar 13, EchoStar 9)278542003-034ALS-1300Dish Network Corporation/Intelsat Sea Launch (Odyssey platform)47378-Aug-2003FootprintsCharts24 C-band, 4 Ka-band, 32 Ku-band transponders. C-band capacity owned by Intelsat
37119 WretiredEchostar 7273782002-006AA2100AXEchoStar CorporationCape Canaveral SFS417221-Feb-2002  32 Ku-band transponders covering CONUS, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.
38110 WactiveDirectv 5 (AT&T T5, Tempo 1)274262002-023ALS-1300AT&TBaikonur Cosmodrome36407-May-2002FootprintsCharts32 Ku-band transponders providing direct broadcasting and digital television to North American subscribers.
39107 WactiveAnik G1391272013-014ALS-1300Telesat Canada Ltd.Baikonur Cosmodrome490515-Apr-2013FootprintsCharts16 transponders in extended Ku-band over Canada, 24 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders over South America to provide direct-to-home and telecommunication services. First commercial military X-band payload (3 transponders) with coverage over the Americas and the Pacific Ocean including Hawaii
4099 WactiveDirectv 11 (AT&T T11)327292008-013ABSS-702AT&TSea Launch (Odyssey platform)592319-Mar-2008FootprintsCharts32 (+12) Ka-band transponders, 55 (+15) Ka-band Spot-Beam transponders to provide HDTV throughout North America
4198 WactiveInmarsat-4F3 (Inmarsat 4-F3, I4F3, PAC-E)332782008-039A Eurostar-3000GMInmarsat plcBaikonur Cosmodrome596018-Aug-2008FootprintsCharts228 Narrow Spots, 19 Wide Spots and 1 Global Beam to support the new Broadband Global Area Network (B-GAN) for internet and intranet solutions, video on demand, video-conferencing, fax, e-mail, telephone and high-speed LAN access
4295 WactiveGalaxy 3C (G-3C)274452002-030ABSS-702IntelsatSea Launch (Odyssey platform)486015-Jun-2002FootprintsCharts24 C-band and 16 Ku-band to provide Direct-to-home broadcast of video and Internet to North America
4395 WactiveIntelsat 30 (ISDLA-1, DLA 1)402712014-062BLS-1300IntelsatGuiana Space Center630016-Oct-2014FootprintsCharts4 C-band and 73 Ku-band transponders to provide DTH services to southwest coast of the United States, South America excluding Brazil, and a portion of the Caribbean
4493 WactiveEchostar G1 (ICO G1, DBSD G1)327632008-016ALS-1300EchoStar CorporationCape Canaveral SFS663414-Apr-2008FootprintsChartsS-band and Ka-band transponders to provide Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) throughout the USA, including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto-Rico and US Virgin Islands.
4587 WdeorbitedAstra 3A274002002-015BBSS-376HPSES S.A.Guiana Space Center150029-Mar-2002  20 Ku-band transponders
4686 WretiredNimiq 2 (Telesat-DTH 2)276322002-062AA2100AXTelesat Canada Ltd.Baikonur Cosmodrome360029-Dec-2002  32 Ku-band and 2 Ka-band transponders for television broadcasting
4786 WretiredEchostar 12 (Rainbow 1, Cablevision 1)278522003-033AA2100AXSEchoStar CorporationCape Canaveral SFS432817-Jul-2003  36 Ku-band transponders to provide DTH telecommunications to CONUS. Planned for relocation to 86.4W orbital location and operate there on a temporary basis.
4883 WdeorbitedAMC 9278202003-024ASpacebus-3000B3SES S.A.Baikonur Cosmodrome41007-Jun-2003  24 Ku-band transponders. AMC-9 suffered a “significant anomaly” on June 17th 2017 and all the services were moved to other satellites. Moved to graveyard orbit
4977 WdeorbitedEchostar 8275012002-039ALS-1300EchoStar CorporationBaikonur Cosmodrome466021-Aug-2002  32 Ku-band transponders covering CONUS and Mexico. The satellite experienced an anomaly on April 16, 2017 and moved to the graveyard orbit.
5072 WactiveARSAT 1402722014-062BARSat-BusARSAT (Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales Sociedad Anonima)Guiana Space Center290016-Oct-2014FootprintsCharts24 Ku-band transponders to provide data, telephone, and television transmission services for Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia. Currently being tested at 81 West orbital position
5170 WactiveViasat 2 (VS-2)427402017-029ABSS-702HPViaSat IncGuiana Space Center64181-Jun-2017FootprintsChartsKa-band capacity to provide broadband connectivity services for residential, mobile, and enterprise customers
5265 WactiveStar One C2327682008-018BSpacebus-3000B3Star One (EMBRATEL)Guiana Space Center410018-Apr-2008FootprintsCharts28 C-band, 16 Ku-band, and 1 X-band transponders providing Telecom, Internet and digital services for Brazil, South America and Mexico
5334 WactiveHylas 4 (Hylas Africa, Hylas 5)432722018-033BGEOStar-3Avanti Communications LtdGuiana Space Center40505-Apr-2018FootprintsChartsKa-band High-Throughput Satellite (HTS) with 53 Operational User beams and 4 Operational Gateway beams to provide broadband and connectivity services across Africa and Europe
5432 WretiredIntelsat 903 (IS-903)274032002-016ALS-1300IntelsatGuiana Space Center472330-Mar-2002  44 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks. Planned for relocation to 31.5W orbital location
5529 WactiveIntelsat 904 (IS-904)273802002-007ALS-1300IntelsatBaikonur Cosmodrome468023-Feb-2002FootprintsCharts44 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks. Moving to 29.5 W orbital slot
5627 WretiredIntelsat 907 (IS-907)276832003-007ALS-1300IntelsatGuiana Space Center468515-Feb-2003  44 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders
5724 WactiveIntelsat 905 (IS-905)274382002-027ALS-1300IntelsatGuiana Space Center47235-Jun-2002FootprintsCharts44 C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders, broadcasting, business services, direct-to-home TV broadcasting, telecommunications, VSAT networks
5820 WretiredNSS 7274142002-019AA2100AXSES S.A.Guiana Space Center469216-Apr-2002  36 C-band, 36 Ku-band; broadcasting, business services; Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas.
5912 WretiredEutelsat 12 West B (E12WB, E8WA, AB2, Atlantic Bird 2, Eutelsat 8 West A)269272001-042ASpacebus-3000B2Eutelsat Communications S.A.Guiana Space Center315025-Sep-2001  26 Ku-band transponders. European and American coverage.
6010 WactiveHellasSat 2 (HS 2, Hellas Sat 2, Intelsat K-TV, NSS K-TV)278112003-020AEurostar-2000+Hellas-Sat (Arabsat subsidiary)Cape Canaveral SFS330012-May-2003FootprintsCharts30 Ku-band; television broadcasting services for the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens.
615 WdeorbitedEutelsat 5 West A (E5WA, AB3, Atlantic Bird 3, Stellat 5)274602002-035ASpacebus-3000B3Eutelsat Communications S.A.Guiana Space Center40505-Jul-2002  10 C-band and 35 Ku-band transponders to provide services to Americas, Europe and Africa
624 WactiveAmos 3 (Amos 60)327942008-022AAmos BusSpacecom Satellite CommunicationsBaikonur Cosmodrome126328-Apr-2008FootprintsCharts12 Ku-band and 2 Ka-band transponders to cover the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and parts of the Americas.
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